If you use journals the historical rates have to be entered at journal number level. 如果您使用日记账,则历史汇率必须在日记账编号级别输入。
E210 is left blank, except for the journal number. E210为空,但是日志数不为空。
The Resources section has a link to the IBM Systems journal, volume 44, number 4, on SOA, which offers a more detailed view on the business aspects of service-oriented thinking. 参考资料部分提供了IBMSystemsJournal第44卷第4期有关SOA的链接,其中更为详细地说明了面向服务的思维方式中业务所处的位置。
The commit policy depends on the journal size but is based on the number of blocks to commit. 提交策略则取决于日志的大小,但是要以待提交的块的数量为基础。
According to a recent report by The Wall Street Journal website, a growing number of research suggests that we should pay more attention to our body clock when we make daily plans. 《华尔街日报》网站上的一篇最新报道称,有越来越多的研究表明,当制定日常计划时,我们应该更加关注自身的生物钟。
And he said the findings, published in the Occupational and Environmental Health journal, supported initiative such as the48-hour European Working Time Directive to cut the number of working hours. 研究结果在《职业和环境卫生》周刊上发表。他说研究结果为《欧洲工作时间法》提供了依据。
The new study, published in the journal Pediatrics, looked at whether a number of behaviors that expose children to bacteria early in life might protect them from developing allergies later on. 这项新研究发表在《儿科学》(Pediatrics)杂志上,它研究的是一些让儿童接触细菌的行为能否防止日后出现过敏。
This whole journal edition is devoted to New Urbanism, with a number of case studies. 这本期刊全部内容刊载关于新都市主义的文章,并有许多个案研究。
An Empirical Research on Relationship between Journal H-type Index and Journal's Number of Publications and Cited Records 期刊h型指数与论文数量和被引的关系实证
Stability Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing System Based on Sommerfeld Number 基于Sommerfeld数的滑动轴承转子系统稳定性分析
Journal comprising more than one number under a single cover ( excl. those devoted primarily to advertising) 一页封面包含几期刊物(不包括主要用作广告宣传的刊物)
Format: Author's last name, given name. Article Title. Journal Title, Volume number ( Issue/ Issue number), year: page number. 期刊、杂志、新闻文献?作者(年代),文章名称,期刊名称,期别,页别。格式:作者姓名,篇名,刊名,刊物的卷号和期号,年分,文章的起止页码。
It is, therefore, necessary to break down or subdivide the journal into a number of special journals, each being used to record transactions of certain kind. 因此,有必要将日记账再分成特种日记账,每个特种日记账用来记录某类经济业务。
While that figure is "reassuring," the researchers report in the journal Cancer, the13 percent of patients who did not complete therapy still represents a fairly large number of women. 相对于这些“可靠的”的数据,研究者还指出在癌症杂志中,13%没有完成治疗的患者中有相当大一部分的女性患者。
Through analysis on paper submitted to the journal of China Sports Coach from 1990 to 2001, the author finds that number of papers written by coaches are less, the quality are low. 通过对1999~2001年《中国体育教练员》杂志来稿情况的分析,发现目前我国体育教练员撰写的体育科研论文的数量较少,质量较低。
In each journal, the subjects are ranged from high shared papers number to low, respectively. The first 70% of papers are shared by only 14%-17% of subjects, thus these subjects are classified as "core subjects". 按各学科论文数量由多到少排序,截取占前70%论文数量的学科,发现这部分学科只占学科总数的14%~17%左右,故将这部分学科确定为核心学科。
Journal of Tianjin Medical University Volume 12 number 4 2006 contents of original articles 2006年第12卷总目次天津医科大学学报
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University Volume 27 Number 1-12,2006 Contents in Brief 《第二军医大学学报》2006年第27卷总目次
The present paper deals with the analysis of citations of literatures in Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops during 1980& 1990. The results showed that the number of citations per literature averaged 7.27 pieces in the journal during the 10 years. 统计结果,1980&1990年《热带作物学报》平均每篇文献的引文量为7.27篇。
The statistics based on 1 076 papers published in Journal of HIT from 1998 to 2002 are made in terms of number of papers, authors, disciplines covered, number of funded papers and citations, the kinds of languages used and classification of literatures. 以《哈尔滨工业大学学报》1998-2002年发表的1076篇论文作为统计对象,分别对载文量、作者分布、学科分布、基金论文比例、引文量、引文语种、引文类型进行了统计分析。
Journal of Zhejiang forestry College, Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, Journal of Bamboo Research are the main periodicals, accounting for 80% of total number of papers; 收录的461篇论文分布在29种出版物上,《浙江林学院学报》、《浙江林业科技》和《竹子研究汇刊》是学校作者发文的主要刊物;
The situation, character and regular pattern of scientific thesis and utilization of the scientific reference in the Journal were obtained by analysing the thesis subject distribution, citation number, reference types and language branch. 依据论文学科分布、引文数量、引文文献类型、引文语种分析,得出该刊著者群发表科技论文及利用科技文献的状况、特点和规律。
As for a hybrid journal bearing the accurate determination of the critical Reynolds number is a main problem being researched in the future. 因此如何准确地确定动静压滑动轴承的临界雷诺数是今后研究的一个重要问题。
At present, Journal of Management Sciences in China and a number of management academic journals have already obtained the management science academic identity. 当前,以《管理科学学报》为代表的一批管理类期刊已经获得了管理学界的认同。
When the types of journal in the world increasing, the number of library journals ordered almost does not increase, but decrease in some libraries. 在全球期刊种类日益增加的同时,图书馆的期刊定购数量却几乎没有增加,有的图书馆反而有所减少。
The Song dynasty saw a great enhancement in the content and the length of the text of journal article for there were many well-known scholars began to write diary text, leaving behind a great number of renowned and excellent works. 到了宋代,日记文在内容和篇幅上都有了较大提高,有许多著名文人都开始写作日记文,留下许多名篇佳作。